Get a Helping Hand with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you grasping for a reason for the tingling, pain, or numbness in your hand or wrist? All signs point to carpal tunnel syndrome. The nerves and tendons in the wrist pass through a very narrow area known as the carpal tunnel. A major nerve called the median nerve winds through this tiny space. When this nerve gets constricted, it results in a painful condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. Luckily, relief is in… Read More

Take the Bite Out of Flea Bites

Are flea bites bugging you? Fleas are tiny parasites that can be irritating in many ways. Their presence can be an annoyance, while their bites can inflame the skin of both people and their pets. It’s vital to know how to handle these bites and prevent future problems. To keep flea bites from plaguing you and your pets, MD Now offers expert advice on how long flea bites last, along with the favored flea bite… Read More

Why Travel Vaccines Are The Ticket To Healthy Travel

World travel should be a rewarding adventure, but it can also be a risky venture if you don’t protect your health. Diseases exist all over the world and visiting certain countries can put you at serious risk for them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), even some domestic travel can leave you exposed to infectious diseases. The only way to ensure safe travels is by getting travel… Read More
