Process of coronavirus testing examination at home

Flu, Strep, Pneumonia, and COVID-19: What’s the Difference?

Can you tell the difference between flu vs. strep vs. COVID-19? Cold and flu season is in full swing, and COVID-19 is still lingering. Knowing what symptoms to look for when you first start feeling sick can help. Read on to learn the key factors to consider when determining which illness you have. Strep vs. COVID-19 and Other Illnesses Strep Strep throat is a bacterial infection that can cause severe throat… Read More

Sickly young woman staying on a couch. Having sore throat

COVID-19 & Flu Vaccines: What you need to know to get you through flu season

This winter, it’ll be flu vs COVID-19 in a battle over which nasty respiratory illness can cause more havoc. You might be thinking, “Does the flu still exist?” Unfortunately, it does, and although COVID-19 is often worse, the flu is still a major headache.  Staying healthy involves more than knowing the difference between cold, flu, and COVID-19. We need to guard against all viruses with everything… Read More

Young woman wearing protective face mask showing arm with 'Got vaccinated' sticker on at MD Now

COVID-19 Versus Sinus Infections: How to Tell the Difference

These days, experiencing the first symptoms of a viral illness can cause significant anxiety. As we head into another cold and flu season, knowing how to correctly identify sinus infection versus COVID-19 symptoms will ease your mind. Additionally, early awareness of what's happening in your body can help you determine the best course of treatment. Sinus Infections versus COVID 19 Symptoms As the temperature… Read More

Doctor examining his patient while being COVID-19 conscious