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$500 a Stitch? Lacerations Costly in Hospital ER Setting

Did you scoop up Johnny and head straight for the ER after he cut his hand at the playground? Have a look at today’s MD Now press release to understand what every stitch may have cost you, and how urgent care is less expensive than that last trip to the ER.

According to a 2013 New York Times article, emergency rooms have become one of the biggest cash cows for hospitals. Not surprisingly, people who blindly speed to an emergency department for every minor injury or illness are feeling the big wallet squeeze. Lacerations, especially common during celebrations held around Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween make up nearly 10 percent of all emergency room visits.

Instead of paying through the nose and waiting hours in the ER for that privilege, MD Now Urgent Care centers in Lighthouse Point, Pembroke Pines, Lake Worth and throughout Florida, can get Johnny treated and back on the playground in record time.

Many of the ways in which MD Now emergency physicians treat minor wounds often don’t even require a needle and thread. Today’s press release offers a bit of insight into all the ways in which our doctors close wounds — many only requiring sterile glue and SteriStrips that hold the skin in place while it heals. Learn more about these wound closures so you can put Johnny at ease on your next trip to an MD Now Urgent Care center.

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